Graphicriver SmartIcon Generator 2 - Isometric 3D Icons 19592649
Photoshop CC-2014 + newer install kit
Photoshop Extentions ZXP file for CS6
12 example shapes as PSD files
20-page Help PDF
3 different isometric orientations (left, frontal, right)
from every shape and any size
Works with text layer, vector shapes, pixel layer, Smart Objects and even Groups
fits on all isometric 3D Maps
Global Shadow function
3 styles: basic, glossy and custom color (only from CC-2014+)
Add and delete depth (unlimted)
Shadows and reflection on/off
Edit the original shape
Auto-save as transparent PNG and/or JPG icon set from 512 px up to 32 px
Panels for Photoshop CS6, CC, CC-2014 and newer
12 example shapes
20-page Help PDF and Tutorial links
Photoshop CC-2014 + newer install kit
Photoshop Extentions ZXP file for CS6
12 example shapes as PSD files
20-page Help PDF
3 different isometric orientations (left, frontal, right)
from every shape and any size
Works with text layer, vector shapes, pixel layer, Smart Objects and even Groups
fits on all isometric 3D Maps
Global Shadow function
3 styles: basic, glossy and custom color (only from CC-2014+)
Add and delete depth (unlimted)
Shadows and reflection on/off
Edit the original shape
Auto-save as transparent PNG and/or JPG icon set from 512 px up to 32 px
Panels for Photoshop CS6, CC, CC-2014 and newer
12 example shapes
20-page Help PDF and Tutorial links