CM - 60 Lensflares / Light Leaks Overlays 1270019
Drag and drop the jpg file into your opened image in Photoshop. Set the lensflare layer to blending mode “Screen” and you will instantly see the result. Scale it, flip it. Add more and do whatever you want! Easy to be creative with this overlay package.
If you take pictures against the light your camera will save the internal reflections giving your images a unique feel and more dynamic. This package is perfect for your next composings where you manually set your light source in front of the viewers. Add lensflares to strongen the illusion. Add color and depth and attract the viewer within a second!
Drag and drop the jpg file into your opened image in Photoshop. Set the lensflare layer to blending mode “Screen” and you will instantly see the result. Scale it, flip it. Add more and do whatever you want! Easy to be creative with this overlay package.
If you take pictures against the light your camera will save the internal reflections giving your images a unique feel and more dynamic. This package is perfect for your next composings where you manually set your light source in front of the viewers. Add lensflares to strongen the illusion. Add color and depth and attract the viewer within a second!